Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mexican Mocha Mousse


There is this Mexican restaurant that my family used to love to go for Sunday Brunch when I was younger. They had this wonderful mousse that I always had to have for dessert. It was light, airy, slightly chocolately, slightly coffee and oh so yummy. Even when we pretty much stopped going there, I still remember that mousse. Finally one day I started to tinker around the kitchen and came up with this. Imagine my surprise when I took a taste of the finished product and was immediately transported to that Mexican restaurant and those times with my family. It has since become a favorite of mine and my hubby’s. Enjoy!

Mexican Mocha Mousse
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 T Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 T prepared coffee (I normally just make a small cup of really strong instant coffee)
4 T sugar
2 T unsweetened Cocoa (powdered)
Additional cinnamon (optional)
Dark Chocolate shavings (optional)

Place the heavy whipping cream, vanilla, and coffee in a mixing bowl and start to whip lightly. Once there is a little bit of air into the whipped cream, add the cinnamon, sugar and cocoa. (Note: I normally do this so the dry ingredients don’t sink to the bottom. I just find it mixes better.) Whip until there are stiff peaks.

Keep refrigerated until serving time. Portion out into 4 4oz servings and garnish with cinnamon and dark chocolate shavings (optional). I normally serve with cinnamon sugared pita chips or cinnamon sugared tortilla strips. Enjoy!

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