Saturday, June 29, 2013

Monkey Bread Muffins

My hubby and I love monkey bread. The only problem is that we have this compulsion to eat it all when I do make it normally in a bundt pan. So why not make it into muffins? We can eat a little at a time…when we want another one it is just a quick 30 second pop in the microwave to warm it up.
And it sounded so good! So I got everything together and went at it.

Monkey Bread Muffins
1 can of Grands Buttermilk Biscuits
1 cup Sugar
2 T Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
2 T Butter, melted

Mix the Sugar, Cinnamon and Nutmeg into a bowl. Cut each biscuit into eight pieces. Dip the pieces into into the butter and then coat with the sugar mixture. Place 5 or 6 pieces into a muffin tin (spray the muffin tray with Pam first). Top each muffin with any extra sugar mixture. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 13-17 minutes. You want make sure that the bottom pieces cook well.

Cool for a few moments before gently taking out each muffin. And then enjoy!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mexican Mocha Mousse


There is this Mexican restaurant that my family used to love to go for Sunday Brunch when I was younger. They had this wonderful mousse that I always had to have for dessert. It was light, airy, slightly chocolately, slightly coffee and oh so yummy. Even when we pretty much stopped going there, I still remember that mousse. Finally one day I started to tinker around the kitchen and came up with this. Imagine my surprise when I took a taste of the finished product and was immediately transported to that Mexican restaurant and those times with my family. It has since become a favorite of mine and my hubby’s. Enjoy!

Mexican Mocha Mousse
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 T Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 T prepared coffee (I normally just make a small cup of really strong instant coffee)
4 T sugar
2 T unsweetened Cocoa (powdered)
Additional cinnamon (optional)
Dark Chocolate shavings (optional)

Place the heavy whipping cream, vanilla, and coffee in a mixing bowl and start to whip lightly. Once there is a little bit of air into the whipped cream, add the cinnamon, sugar and cocoa. (Note: I normally do this so the dry ingredients don’t sink to the bottom. I just find it mixes better.) Whip until there are stiff peaks.

Keep refrigerated until serving time. Portion out into 4 4oz servings and garnish with cinnamon and dark chocolate shavings (optional). I normally serve with cinnamon sugared pita chips or cinnamon sugared tortilla strips. Enjoy!